9th Edition of Global Conference on
Title: A genomic analysis of interactions between a vector-borne phyotpathogen and cotton
Title: How to structure the debate on modern breeding in agriculture?
Title: Why is the mid-southern United States an epicenter for the development of herbicide resistant weeds?
Title: Breeding for climate change: Dissecting key adaptation traits in Medicago sativa through QTL mapping
Title: Genetic breeding as a tool to control the pine wilt disease
Title: ATTRACAP: An innovative attract-and-kill strategy for the control of wireworms
Title: Genomic analysis of lipid-related genes showed insight to the high oil content in sesame
Title: Breeding of rice in the agricultural research center Donskoy
Title: Nucleolar iron impacts rDNA organization and expression in A. thaliana
Title: Breeding for the ensure the good quality of the Hungarian Persian walnut industry
Title: The effect of BC204, a plant bio-stimulant, on the growth of A. thaliana and S. lycopersicon
Title: Regulatory divergence in wound-responsive gene expression in domesticated and wild tomato
Title: Using new media tools to connect micropropagation scientists, propagators and hobbyists
Title: Regulatory circuits connect early leaf development and senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana
Title: New compounds and their application as innovative approach to plant protection against pathogens
Title: Invasion impact of the Genista etnensis (Raf.) DC. (Fabaceae) on Mt. Vesuvius
Title: The Brassinosteroids (BR) signaling regulation of plant seed number
Title: TMK-mediated transcriptional auxin signaling in regulating plant development
Title: Molecular identification of Macrophomina Phaseolina associated with charcoal rot of melon in Jordan
Title: Wound signaling and cell fate transition in plant regeneration
Title: Virus diseases of garlic in Indonesia and potential control measures
Title: Necrotic syndrome associated to a Plum pox virus chimera carrying a highly structured noncoding RNA
Title: Identification and characterization of nitrate regulatory genes in plants
Title: Removal of airborne dust and associated metals by plant leaves
Title: Characterization of a new isoform of starch synthase in Solanum tuberosum
Title: Mechanisms of isolation of excess salt in leaf tissue of halophytes
Title: The Egy3 strongly conserved protein of unknown function
Title: Screening of triticale winter breeding lines for resistance to Fusarium head blight
Title: Identification and characterization of poliploid plant of PLANT Heliconia chartacea var. Sexy Pink
Title: Chlorophyl a fluorescence in evaluation of LED light influence on crops of the Poaceae family
Title: Feedstock production from nickel contaminated land for bioenergy purposes
Title: The FLN1, pTAC10 and pTAC16 proteins as potential targets for EGY2 protease
Title: The influence of single color lighting during barley androgenesis on regeneration efficiency
Title: Assessment method of ensuring the microbial salad safety
Title: Variation in plant biochemistry affects acceptance of lupins by the pea aphid
Title: The functionary mechanism of a soybean gene GmMCU1 in response to salt stress
Title: Genome identification and transferability of microsatellite markers between Atriplex species
Title: Downregulation of PHOTOTROPIN 1 in Solanum lycopersicum L
Title: Next generation transcriptome assembly for Euterpe oleracea
Title: Behavior of Arsenic species in rice cultivated in soils with Penicillium sp. for mitigation
Title: Shade levels and variety effects on tomato fruit yields
Title: Production and characterization of intergeneric hybrids between turnip and radish
Title: Use of biocatalytic processes for the production of value-added compounds from vegetable oils
Title: Development and validation of InDel markers for Capsicum spp based on wholegenome re-sequencing
Title: Effect of different water conditions on phenolic compounds and tocopherols in mung beans
Title: AtMYB44 acts as a repressor of Protein Phosphatase 2C Gene Transcription
Title: Characterization of an E3 ligase regulating the stability of BIN2
Title: Functional deficiency of phytochrome B improves salt tolerance in rice
Title: A new method of de novo shoot organogenesis in Arabidopsis
Title: Morphological and pathogenic characterization of discolored resistant rice
Title: Correlation of leaf chlorophyll content and ripening rate in rice under heat stress
Title: Characterization of Southern rice black streaked dwarf virus in Korea
Title: Technological advances for in vitro culture and genetic enhancement of horticultural crops
Title: Ecological restoration of plants and Chinas watershed pollution control
Title: Yellow canopy syndrome in sugarcane is caused by a sink source imbalance
Title: Salt tolerance mechanisms in grasses with salt excretion
Title: The morphology of the structural elements of Rhododendron and their taxonomic significance
Title: Ethnobotanical study on the medicinal plants in the central-southern Apennine, (Italy)
Title: Floral morphology and reproductive biology of Asarumsieboldii Miq
Title: Effects of magnetic field on Peroxidase activity and hardening of New Guinea impatiens explants
Title: Water hyacinths as phytoremidation and cyanobacterial bloom control
Title: Revisiting the past: A case of indigenous vegetables in Africa
Title: Seagrass (Zostera marina) population genetics in a spatially structured natural system
Title: S-locus diversity of sweet cherry cultivars in Tunisia
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