Biologist, integrating from the research laboratory in Plant Physiology, CEVOP - Center of Study on Ecophysiology of Plants of the West Paulista, located in Presidente Prudente / SP, from 2013., graduated in 2009 by Universidade do Oeste Paulista, I started a Master’s in Agronomy in the year 2010, there I developed research on the ‘Differentiation of cultivars of Urochloa brizantha’ by molecular markers of repetition of inter-simple sequence (ISSR). In 2014 I started my PhD in Plant Biology at the Paulista State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP). During the PHD course, I developed studies related to the application of bioregulators as primers in the different stages of development of soybean, submitted to water deficiency. After completing my PhD in March 2018, I continued the research (through a post-doctoral course at the university) on application of the Gaba and Acetylcholine in soybeans when submitted to thermal stress.
Title : Application of bioregulators Acetylcholine and GABA enhancements yield in soybean plants under water deficiency
Title : Acetylcholine induces down regulation in GmABA2 and GmLEA3 in soybean plants under water deficit