Title : Breeding of rice in the agricultural research center Donskoy
I n the process of selection work in the rice laboratory a number of intensive varieties were created with different vegetation period and grain form. In the Register of breeding of the Russian Federation achievements made rice varieties: early maturing Contact (1994), mid-ripening Boyarin (2002), long Svetly (2006), mid-ripening Commandor (2008), salt tolerance Uzhanin (2011), high-yield Kuboyar (2014), bushy Acoustic (2018). The starting material 900-samples the personal collection from the International Rice Institute (IRRI), All-Russia Research Institute of Plant (VIR), Rice Research Institute Rice (Krasnodar) and its (ARC “Donskoy’) are used for selection. Of great importance is the resistance to blast. In this regard, the use of disease-resistant plants in the selection process is necessary. In our collection there are samples with resistance to blast, which is controlled by the genes Pi-1, 2, 33, 40, b, ta. With their participation a large number of hybrids have been obtained, combining all these genes and possessing a set of economically valuable traits. At the first stage of work in 2003, we crossed the varieties Boyarin and Virage with donors of genes for resistance to blast Pi-1, Pi-2, Pi-33 in 6 combinations. In the second generation, in each combination, plants selected combining early maturity, short stature, nonshatter and fertility of the spikelets. They were analyzed for the presence of dominant alleles of resistance in them. PCR analysis allowed to isolate forms homozygous for Pi-1 Pi-2 and Pi-33. The electrophoregrams of DNA showed the spectra of stable and unstable forms. As a result, the work was created by middle-grade blast resistant and Mogul carrying genes Pi-1 and Pi-2 and Pirouette having 3 gene: Pi-1, Pi-2 and Pi-33. They form a grain yield of more than 10 tons per hectare. At the second stage of the work, when the donor genes Pi-b and Pi-ta, in 2010 took place hybridisation with them the forms, combining genes in genotype Pi-1, Pi-2, Pi-33. F2 hybrid plants in 2012 were analyzed using one a marker for each gene. 12 lines are identified, with all 5 dominant genes. An intermediate-variety Pentagen with five genes was created. The period before maturation is 120 days, height of the plants is 100 cm, length of the panicle is 22 cm. To select salt-tolerant forms, natural provocative backgrounds are used - salted checks and laboratory tests. The salt tolerance was determined from the ratio of the length of germs and rootlets in the test to the percentage control. Seeds were germinated in a 1.5% solution of NaCl (experiment) and in distilled water (control) by a roll method in triplicate at 25°C for 10 days. Hybrids were analyzed from the crossing of Asian salt-resistant samples of NSIC Rc 106, IR 74099 and others with the Russian variety Novator. At the same time, the DNA of best plants was analyzed for the presence of Saltol gene markers. The best samples are selected. In the world, large areas of the earth are prone to flooding, with a duration of more than two weeks, rice dies. The Sub1 gene, which regulates the reaction to ethylene and gibberellin, leads to a restriction in the consumption of carbohydrates and the calmness of shoots under water, which contributes to tolerance to immersion. In Russia, this gene can be used to create varieties resistant to the phase of germination to a large layer of water, during which perches die, which will be an effective way to protect rice from weeds without herbicides. Donors of the gene for resistance to prolonged flooding of Sub 1A were varieties: BR-11, CR-1009, TDK-1, Inbara-3. Homozygous lines F5 carrying this gene and adapted to the conditions of northern rice growing are isolated.