I’m Postdoctoral Researcher on “Analysis of plant biodiversity and fuel in experimental areas of prescribed fire” at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Caserta, Italy). Previously, I’m graduated in Agricultural Sciences and Ph.D. in Development and Management of Agricultural Resources and Forests at the University of Naples Federico II (Italy). I am a botanist and ecologist and my main areas of interest are floristics, plant taxonomy, vegetation science, community ecology, plant biology, biogeography, fire ecology, biodeteriogenic plants on monuments and archaeological sites, plant biodiversity assessment and conservation. I am also involved in several national and international research projects dealing with red lists, effects of climate change on alpine plant species, plant traits, ethnobotany, archaeobotanical reconstructions and plant eco-physiology
Title : Invasion impact of the Genista etnensis (Raf.) DC. (Fabaceae) on Mt. Vesuvius