10th Edition of Global Conference on
Molecular markers are essential tools for improving plants because they give accurate, heritable data on a plant's genome. The genetic makeup of a species may be determined and studied using molecular markers, which can also be used to map the position of genes within a genome. This enables the breeding and selection of exceptional plants with desirable qualities that may be handed down to next generations. Crop varieties with improved features, such as resistance to disease and pests, tolerance to drought, and higher yield, are also developed using molecular markers. The existence of genes causing desirable features may be found using molecular markers, which are also helpful for tracking genetic changes brought on through breeding. They may also be used to determine genetic variety in both plants and between plants, enabling the creation of more varied and fruitful crop types. The source of genetic material used to enhance crops may also be determined using molecular markers, adding another level of traceability to the food production process. Plant improvement is more accurate, effective, and sustainable with the application of molecular markers, producing crops that are healthier and more productive.