10th Edition of Global Conference on
The field of epigenetics investigates how the environment may influence how genes are expressed. It is the study of phenotypic and gene expression alterations that take place without underlying DNA sequence changes. Reversible epigenetic modifications can be transmitted down to the following generation. Numerous environmental variables, such as pollutants, stress, food, lifestyle, and early life events, can lead to epigenetic alterations. These elements can affect the chemical makeup of DNA, which in turn affects how some genes function. A person's chance of developing cancer or other diseases may rise as a result, among other serious effects on their health. The study of epigenetics is a fast-expanding field of study that has consequences for how we see hereditary illnesses and other features connected to health. It has the potential to fundamentally alter how we approach the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of many illnesses. Epigenetics may help us better understand how our environment affects our health and welfare as more study is conducted in this area.