Agronomist Fitotecnista. 1985 UAAAN. Postgraduate in Business Administration. 1998 UAdeC Doctorate in Strategic Administration. 2013 IIAE PhD Candidate in Administration and Senior Management. UAdeC Certificate in Labor Competences for the teaching of human capital training courses. CEO of the Basic and Applied Research Center of the UAAAN Research professor at the Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro Head of the Department of Basic Sciences at the Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro Professor of the subjects of Biostatistics and Introduction to Statistics Author of the book Biostatistics applied to veterinary medicine and livestock research in 2017. Author of the book Principles of Biostatistics in 2019. Co-author in four scientific publications in a journal indexed in 2018. Advisor in eight investigations for thesis of degree in 2018. Speaker at National and International Congresses.
Title : Effects of climate change on the development of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the Lagunera region.
Title : Sorghum as a forage alternative in semi-arid regions of Northern Mexico