Title : Abundance of aero-algal allergens and public health hazards in Pandu river ecosystem
Algae are ubiquitous and omnipresent organisms growing profusely in varied environments. Airborne algae remain viable in the atmosphere. Allergenic algae are dispersed effectively by air in dried condition. Dispersed algal allergens cause either contact skin or respiratory allergies among human beings and cattle. The airborne algal flora and its potential allergenicity is a primacy for intensive investigation. There are few investigations scattered in the literature vis-a-vis aero-algae. Quantitative data milieu of algal growth and infestation in Pandu river between Bingawan, Kanpur and Sheorapur, Fatehpur is lacking. Present study enriches the available literature and fills this vacuum in order to obtain and evaluate pertinent information relating allergenic forms of algae and their prevalence in the air. Present observations record aero-algal species of Pandu river ecosystem and portrays its importance in spread of allergenic diseases. The marked resemblance between allergenic algae in air around Pandu river and its water records cyclic transmission of aquatic and aero-algal allergens in air and riverine water. Present investigation emphasizes implications of aero-algae causing prospective public health hazards and it's control.