Dr. Anoop Kumar Srivastava is currently perched as Principal Scientist (Soil Science) at ICAR-IARI, Assam. He has extensively pursued research work on different aspects of fruit nutrition like nutrient constraints analysis of citrus orchards by developing DRIS-based soil-plant nutrient diagnostics, orchard efficiency modeling, targeted yield-based site specific nutrient management exploiting spatial variability in soil fertility, citrus rhizosphere specific microbial consortium and soil carbon loading, INM module, fertigation scheduling, nutrient mapping using geospatial tools, nutrient dynamic studies, transformation of soil microbial biomass nutrients within citrus rhizosphere and soil fertility map as decision support tool for fertilizer recommendation.Dr Srivastava has delivered 118 invited/keynote lectures and recognized as Visiting Scientist/Professor at Huazhong Agri. Univ. , Yangtze University , China and AREEO, Iran . Dr Srivastava is an accomplished editor of highly peer reviewed journals and write of books like Advances in Citrus Nutrition by Springer and Diagnosis and Management of Nutrient Constraints in Fruit Crops by Elseviers.
Title : Paradigms of green biology based fruit production system